Prophet Nnamdi Akujor is a young man doing ministerial job at the Overcomers Christian Mission Owerri. He has been preaching since 26 years and has been in prophetic ministry for over 16 years delivering land mark prophecies. He passed through the tutelage of Archbishop Ezeugo Ekewuba whom he refers to as his mentor. In this chat with our Editor, Afam Echi, in his office, Akujor expresses his views on a number of issues affecting the church.
Talking about the role of prophecy in governance he said that it is through prophecies that God’s will are actualized. Hear him:
“I want to state categorically that both in the past and now, prophecy has a role to play in governance. Prophecy gives direction, regulation and preservation. To every time and disposition God has a plan and it takes a prophet through prophecy to know God’s will and plan for the people. If you read Amos 3 Vs 7, the bible said surely God hiddeth nothing and reveals the secret to the servants who are his prophets. So any government that must fulfill the will of God must know the thought of God. One, you must know the mind of God to do the will of God.
God cannot work on earth without using a man. It is also important to know the mind of God to do the will of God. When God wanted to deliver Israel from the hands of the Egyptians he chose a man. In Exodus 3 vs 10 God raised Moses to deliver the Israelites. To every will of God there is a man to will it. To every vision of God needs a man who is a vision bearer. In Judges it was reported that after the death of Joshua the people beckoned on God saying who will go before us and deliver us from the hands of Cananites? And God responded that they should choose Judah, meaning he is the one to will it. It takes prophecy to know whom God has chosen. Prophecy actually has a role in governance.”
On the reason why our leaders shun the use prophecy for public interest opined that there are many reasons why politicians or leaders don’t consult prophets. One is what is called selfishness. When a leader is consumed by selfish interest he doesn’t look for public opinion or spiritual guidance. Another is pride which makes men think that they know it all. When a man is proud and arrogant they avoid public opinion especially that of the prophet. Nebuchadnezzar was very very arrogant, he never listened to anybody. Most of them are afraid of the truth and avoids hearing it. They are only interested in praise singing.
He went on to explain why some prophecies come true and some don’t. Let me say this. Prophecy is God’s words to his people. By the grace of God I am 26 years preaching the gospel and 16 years in the prophetic ministry. One thing worthy of note as stated in Numbers 23. 19, the bible says that God is not a man that he should lie. Anything that God says must come to pass. I have witnessed people say that this prophecy did not come to pass. One factor that can cause that is sin. When you live a life of sin you don’t expect your prophecies to come true. The Bible says in Isaiah 59.1 that the hand of God is not short that he cannot deliver neither are his ears deaf but your sins are responsible. Secondly, lack of faith.
You can’t doubt Gods words and expect the same words to come to pass. Again, what you do with the prophecies given to you matters a lot. When prophecies are given to so many people they relax. It is always necessary to work and fight with the prophecy given to you. For eg after telling you what God said that he will do for you and you relax, will it happen? Always do your best for God to do the rest. Anything God says comes to pass except those made out of human imagination.
Explaining reason behind multiplicity of prophetic ministries and churches, he noted, “I will say that the emergence is as a result of the fulfillment of the scripture. In Joel 2.28 he says I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, my sons and daughters will prophesy. As God is raising his men, his own army so is the devil raising his. Prophets can be of God or Satan. We are in the last days and this is the fulfillment of the word of God.
Frowning at the attempts to regulate churches he warned that only God should regulate churches. Let me say this, the church is a spiritual institute ordained by God and should be regulated by God alone. It is wrong and an error for mortal men to regulate the church with man’s wisdom. This is to avoid attracting the wrath of God. When we say regulating the church, regulating its finances, the church is a body of Christ that has also a body. Leave it for the church, for God to organize his own company. Church is God’s own business. A politician cannot run someone else’s businesses. Remember the bible is also a book of the law. My advice for the government is for them to allow God run his own business.
On the claim that many magicians, native doctors have infiltrated the church acting as prophets he admitted that in fulfillment of prophecy there are fake ones. Of course we are in the last days and the devil needs Souls as much as Christ does. Christ and Satan need Souls. Matthew 24.24 Christ said for there shall arise false prophets in the last days and if it were possible they will even deceive the very elect. For me the difference between the false prophets and real prophets is the Holy Spirit. Let me say this to you. You can fake everything but you cannot fake the spirit of God. You can fake miracles, preaching but not the spirit of God. It is the spirit that helps us distinguish between the real one and false prophets. Jesus before he went to God had forewarned us that there is going to come false prophets.
He condemned the silence of the men of God in Imo who tolerate bad governance. Of a truth men of God are speaking out especially at the national level. For Imo, it is very very silent. Most of our pastors are cowards and mingle with wicked men. If you mingle with a wicked man you cannot speak against wickedness. But I must say this not because that I am under this Commission, Archbishop Ezeugo Ekewuba of blessed memory stood out speaking against wickedness in Imo State. He fought man’s inhumanity to man. He fought occultism in this state.
Sadly after his demise Pentecostal preachers cannot speak out. Ouestion is are they afraid of the government, are they afraid of their churches (congregation) or are they afraid of themselves. Remember what you condone you cannot condemn. The reason many of them are not speaking out is that what they condone they cannot condemn. But at the national level they are speaking out as we can hear people like Paul Enenche, Apostle Suleman, Ayo Oristejafor etc. I am begging God to make me another Elijah or Ezeugo so I can speak out to call a spade a spade.
He described the flamboyant lifestyle of pastors as rewards from God and not as a get rich quick system. Again the church is not the quickest way to wealth. If you think so then start one. That is a wrong impression. There are people that called God while there are those that God called. When we talk about the real men of God the flamboyant lifestyle is as a result of the of the blessings of God upon a man who has served God faithfully at all times. Many people today do not question the poverty of men of God but they are always questioning their prosperity.
They are reaping today what they sowed yesterday. Many of them suffered have paid the price. I am talking about the real men of God. Let us remove our eyes from the lifting of the genuine men of God and let us connect to their lifting. Proverb says that the blessings of God maketh rich.
Finally he explained that the reason for doctrinal differences even as Christ and Bible remain the authority of the church is because man has invented his own doctrines: I want to say again that most doctrines are from men. There are certain things that Apostle Paul said that we should know that it is not Christ that commanded it. Moses encouraged divorce, do me I do etc but Jesus came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it and to correct the law. The spirit of God is one but the calling of God is different. There are diversities of gifts and talents but they all come from God.
When your mine callings are different our doctrines will be different but remember that we are all serving one God. Ones doctrine depends on the sise that one is seeing God.