Rejection is a given in any relationship. There is nothing abnormal about it. However, accepting it and remaining in that state has some dire consequences. These include:
Why does heart break hurt so much? What are the symptoms of a heart break? What are the side effects of a broken heart? Broken heart is also known as heartbreak. It is a metaphor for the intense emotional and sometimes physical stress. One of the major causes of heartbreak is rejection. Rejection can occur in marriage (divorce), courtship, dating, places of work, etc. Any of these can lead to heartbreak
Effects of Heartbreak
As awful as all of that is, the ramifications of lost love don’t end there; there is so, so much more going on.
Do you know that heartbreak takes its toll on the body as well? This is the reason why rejection should be handled properly before it leads to heartbreak.
Some of the effects of heartbreak are:
1. Insomnia: this is sleeplessness at night which can lead to depression and anxiety. It increases risk for other health disorder and heart diseases.
2. Digestive Problem: you may lose appetite, or you may eat compulsively. You may experience nausea, indigestion, severe pains, and cramps, or even stomach ulcers. When we are in emotional turmoil, our guts often absorb much of the impact. This is especially true in people who refrain from expressing their feelings but rather choose to internalize them.
3. Mental Fog: the slowing down of the brain can be caused by stress, insomnia, and emotional turmoil. You may find yourself unable to focus or stay with task. In this case, try to get enough sleep and adhere to a healthy diet, as your body and heart heal, your mind will start to catch up too.
4. Sensitivity to Illness: the severe stress caused by heart break has been proven to compromise the immune system. When the heart is vulnerable, so is the body. A weak immune system leaves you susceptible to viral infections, bacteria and hormonal irregularities
5. Headache: it predisposes one to many kinds of headache — especially tension headache and migraines.
6. Physical Heartache: they call it heart break because it can hurt as when you have a broken arm or leg. Chest pain is a common physical response to extreme stress. This may manifest as a sharp pain, tension, pressure or even heart palpitations. You may feel as though you are having an actual heart attack.
Once you had put the pieces back together, even though you may look intact, you were never quite the same as you’d been before the fall. We never truly recover from heart attack according to Jodi Picoult. We don’t go back to who we were before, instead, we rebuild ourselves. We can become greater, stronger and more empathetic towards our troubles.
Being in love is the greatest feeling in the world, but having your heart broken may just be the worst. It is not just a state of mind it can be physical too, you will eventually move on and get over him/her completely, but in the meantime, there are a whole lot of unexpected side effects that come with heart break.
Loss of faith in humanity: the stress of losing the most important person in your life may kill the faith you have in others.
What does the bible say about heart break?
Ps 147:3:
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.
Ps 34:18-20:
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.
It is important to state here that proper handling of rejection helps to reduce heart break.
The word depression is associated with persistent sad, anxious or empty mood feeling of hopelessness or pessimism. Feeling of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness. Loss of interest in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, and difficulty in concentrating remembering or making decisions
How often do you check up on people, friends and acquaintances? A little hi, hello and how are you doing here and there wouldn’t take much of your time. In this time of depression and people choosing SUICIDE as an escape route from life’s unending struggles, you could be a reason that person still want to hang on.
Reach out to people, know how they are doing because once they are gone, you have no more contribution to make in their lives.
It depends on the spiritual state of a person. We have unbelievers, fake believers, and time believers. Unbelievers are not interested in godliness. They live to enjoy this present earthly life, as they unconsciously know they have no hope of eternal life. They are impatient and want to start enjoying life early. But when that doesn’t happen, they engage in sinful means to achieve their aims, and when that fails, depression sets in leading to depression and likely suicide.
The second group is fake believers. These are people who follow religion and religious organizations rather than God. They are deceived to believe lies and have false hope. Their religion promises a lot while collecting their belongings. But unlike unbelievers they see their leaders living in great luxury. Some become desperate and depressed and may likely contemplate suicide rather than withdrawing themselves. There are also fake believers who put their trust in their religious leaders hoping to be helped and when the anticipated help fails to come, they break down and suicide becomes an option.
Again, most of these fake believers are earthly minded having been bombarded with prosperity preaching from their religious groups and are mainly serving God for just earthly benefits, rather than for heavenly purposes. But Jesus said in Mathew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”