Wonders they say shall never end and this statement finds expression in the so called climate change which has now confounded the inhabitants of the earth planet with dramatic change in climate. Previously, when we were growing up it was fairly easier to make a near prediction of when the rain starts and ends. As at then you can correctly determine when to expect the harmattan and when it will end.
The cold harmattan period it is reported helps some economic trees to fruit and mature, bringing plenty harvest for any period it showed strong presence. The magic year 2020 was truly magical and uneventful in the life of many. It has moved from the global pandemic which brought Nigeria another recession to affect the weather.
We will soon transit to season yet the beautiful cold weather enjoyed by many is yet to show its presence. There is strong fear that there will be shortage of fruits in this New Year when it is harvest time. This is because of the clear absence of the effects of harmattan on the fruit trees. Those of us that are fond of African apple (udara), mangoes, cashews etc should brace up to accept what we see. This is unfortunate.
Some of these changes in natural phenomenon according to science is caused by human interference especially in the area of technological advancement which generates carbon monoxides that disturbs the ozone layers. What we are experiencing as a consequence is the maddening heat wave and climatic changes.
Those in the northern hemisphere with all their advancements upstaging nature seemingly have no remedies towards this. What we enjoy in one way we suffer in another way. Who knows where the harmattan is hibernating.