Lots of women dream of wider hips to give them that coke bottle body and thanks to these exercises you can achieve it.
These are the main groups of muscles that help to form the shape of your hips and butt.
These workouts will target the gluteus minimus and gluteus maximus which are the major butt muscles and gluteus medius.
It’s all about sticking to a super targeted wider hip workout plan, and eating properly to support muscle growth. You cannot change your bone structure but you can influence how your muscles are sculpted if you’re willing to put the work in.
Also bare in mind that your hip width is mainly determined by your pelvic size. So if you genetically have narrow hips it’s going to take consistent work and determination to reach your desired hip size and even then, chances are you may never reach that goal.
In order to achieve these results through exercise, you need to concentrate on strength training and bodyweight exercises which will have to be combined to produce quicker results.
You ready? Let’s get into it!
1. Side lunge with dumbbell
This is one of the ultimate exercises for increasing your hip width and it can be done using dumbbells or a barbell.
Doing this with dumbbells will stimulate more muscle growth, which leads to increased hip width.
2. Sumo Squats with dumbbell
Another powerful wider hips workout that works well. When performing this exercise make sure that you pace yourself.
Keep your range of motion at a slower pace so that so you can feel the intensity in your muscles.
3. Lateral Lifts
This bodyweight workout will definitely increase the intensity of the session.
It might look very simple to do but if you’re doing it properly you will definitely feel it.
It is very effective for targeting the gluteus minimus and medius.
4. Side Leg Lifts
Side leg lifts are similar to side dumbbell abductions, only you’re lying down instead. This move targets the hip and glute more directly.
Do 15 reps with each leg for 3 sets.
5. Hip Raises
This exercise is also known as a bridge. It’s great for your glutes.
Complete 15 reps for 3 sets.