Crown Pasta, one of the pasta brands especially in the northern market, has signed two popular Kannywood celebrities as brand ambassadors. They are popular musician, Ali Jita and actress, Halima Atete (a.k.a ‘Queen of Kannywood’).
Ali Jita, whose hit song, ‘Love’, was selected by BBC as the second-best Hausa song for 2018, described his recent appointment as a Crown Pasta brand ambassador as a personal milestone achievement.
The Kano State born musician who won the City People Music Award for the most ‘Popular Song in 2018’, further described his recent brand ambassadorship status as a career boost which will spur him to accomplish more successes.
He said: “I am glad to be signed on as a Crown Pasta brand ambassador. It signifies that I embody certain characteristics which are in line with the brand’s values. I would also at this point recommend Crown Pasta to consumers for its great attributes of being non-sticky and yet at affordable price.”
Halima Atete who hails from Borno State is a prominent actress in the Kannywood industry. Halima won the Best Actress Award at the 2013 City People Entertainment Awards shortly after making her debut in ‘Asalina’, a movie she wrote and produced. Other movies she has featured in include Kona Gari, Asalina and Dakin Amarya.
Mr. Nitin Mehta, Business Head (B2C), Crown Flour Mill Ltd commenting on the appointment of the Brand Ambassadors said, “The brand is highly delighted to identify with the two Northern entertainment icons who have distinguished themselves in the Nigerian entertainment industry.
I have no doubt that this would be a mutually rewarding relationship. We are committed to delivering on our promise of making nutritious and affordable pasta accessible to all Nigerians. This relationship will drive awareness of the category and will aid our goal of nutrition and affordability.”