Do we have a Messiah now in our midst or you mean the coming of Jesus?
Already one is in our midst. I use to tell people that Sat Guru Maharaj Ji has come telling people try me test me experience me before you believe but because they are still living in ignorance they refuse to listen the same way when Christ was on the planet.
They claim that they are waiting for Christ but unfortunately those who are waiting for him don’t know him. When they see Christ passing on the way they will not know him. How can somebody be waiting for who he does not know.
Do you draw inspiration from Guru Maharaj Ji and what is your experience like since you got to know him?
They are so many both spiritually and physically. Nobody preached to me about Guru Maharaj Ji. I saw him in the dream in the cloud and the next day somebody visited me and I explained my dream. The person told me that whom I saw is Sat Guru Maharaj Ji and I asked who he is. I told him that I want to see him.
How safe is it to adopt traditional practices and its medicine?
Tradition is the original religion, as old as creation. Tradition started from the day of creation. Abandoning it is the genesis of our problem.
For instance, if our government today start to use our oracle or our deities in swearing in people into authority there will be nothing like problem in this country again. This is because if you misbehave our ancestors would strike you. And nobody would like to have that experience unlike when the Bible is used or Koran is used.
Are you implying that those holy books are not effective?
They say holy Bible, holy Koran, holy this and that. It is human beings that are supposed to be holy not books. Our fore fathers were holy. They forbade so many things but today it is not so.
So what is your advice to Nigerians?
I use to ask some people especially we Igbos because of the manner they use the name Jesus if he is an Igbo man. All that is told of him was what was written over two thousand years ago. We need not be far from the truth. It is only about 160 years ago that the story of Christ entered into Nigeria.
So what about the remaining thousand plus years ago? What were our people talking about? What were they doing then? There are some people who don’t believe in Christ in other countries. Our people who believe in Christ are not more civilized than those people who don’t believe in Christ.
What exactly do you mean?
Our Christian brothers believe that Muslims are not worshipping God or don’t know God but I can tell you that Muslims are closer to God than they who think so. They practice and show love to one another.
All the cases in our courts were originated by Christians. In the case of Muslims, they settle most of their cases in the Mosques and they will abide by the verdict because they love themselves.
It is because of religion that Christians hate Muslims and Muslims equally hate Christians. That is the cause of disagreement. If we forget about religion and become natural there will be peace and harmony everywhere.
When you see them you will know. Those who are doing Pastor because of material gains if you get close to them you will know.
What do you mean by if you are not ordained you cannot be a native doctor, who ordains and how?
It is a spiritual thing from our ancestors.
Our Christian brothers believe that Muslims are not worshiping God or don’t know God but I can tell you that Muslims are closer to God than they who think so. They practice and show love to one another. All the cases in our courts were originated by Christians. In the case of Muslims, they settle most of their cases in the Mosques and they will abide by the verdict because they love themselves. It is because of religion that Christians hate Muslims and Muslims equally hate Christians. That is the cause of disagreement. If we forget about religion and become natural there will be peace and harmony everywhere.
How do you respond to this allegation that people are leaving traditional medicine practice and transforming to Pastor?
It is possible. May be we are at the end time when everybody will go back to the same place where we started. Our problem is the government. For instance, sometime ago, I went to Nasarawa State, they showed me one house where one man was producing AK 47 gun, what did the government do?
They bundled that man into prison instead of taking him to the workshop to improve his technology and only to buying our ammunitions from outsides whereas we have good brains in the country that can produce same. They prefer to listen and patronize Oyibo man who doesn’t like black man.
The people in government are lacking in spiritual knowledge and are being manipulated by some forces.
Are there ways the government can help the native doctors operate effectively?
Yes, there are.
In what ways?
You see there are so many sicknesses that orthodox medicine practitioners have no solutions to but which are very simple with traditional medicine like the breast cancer. There is an oil I will mix with some substances and rub on the affected portion it will destroy the particular germ causing the ailment.
What are you doing or have done to create awareness that that you can cure this ailment?
Somebody came to me one day through a referral and asked if I am Chief Udegbulam. I responded yes and he queried why don’t you have a signage.
And I asked did you read a sign board before getting to me, he said no. How did you come I asked and he responded that somebody directed him and I replied that that person is my sign board.
You mentioned ‘Afa’ (divination) earlier can you throw more light on this?
Someone who has no Afa cannot prophesy and some of the prophecies in the church are fake, some are arranged business. The original prophecy is from within.
For example in the church a lay man can see what is happening as healing unknown to him that it is a deal, but when you take another person with the same challenge you will go back with him untreated.
Is the use of Afa to inquire about the future as we were told of old still effective?
Yes, it is still effective. Like I said earlier what we can solve here with a native egg can take someone to India and other lands without solution. If you go to Afa it will reveal to you what you can use to solve a problem, if you follow the instructions the result will come.
When Christians do their healing they tell us it is done by the Holy spirit but when native doctors do theirs which spirit is behind it?
All spirits are holy. Don’t forget that it was stated in the Bible that all powers belong to God, both the negative and positive. The negative and positive power work together to produce results. For instance, in electricity, it is the negative and positive current that produces current.
Only negative can never give you anything neither can positive. So when we talk about good or bad it is just the manifestation of the spirit. When something good happens to us we credit it to God, when it is bad we call devil but all the powers come from the same source, it all depends on the use to which you put it.
If you apply it positively you reap good deeds and you if used negatively you get bad result. The good thing there is that the consequences of each return to the originator.
Do you mean or imply that those who do harmful juju will pay for it even if they are not the ones applying it?
The reactions will go to them.
Can you explain this over flogged issue of spiritual husband and wife which churches claim they exorcise?
Yes it exists. It is real.
It exists in what sense, that everybody has spiritual husband or wife as insinuated by some?
It is not everybody. It depends in the region from where you come from. You have the four elements in creation, the mother Earth, the Sun, the Air, and the Water. It is those who come from the Water circle that are being manipulated by the Spiritual husbands or wives.
This is because the angel or Spirit in charge of this water element is in charge of finance and wealth in the universe. All the good and bad we complain about stem from material things-the craving for wealth. Outside this, you cannot experience evil. That Angel controlling water is the goddess of fortune, every good thing in this planet comes from her, including good house, luxurious cars, money etc.
Why do they need to torment people and possessing them to the extent of creating problem for them?
The problem is that the spiritual world controls the physical world. When you meet somebody who can do the right thing, he will separate them.
Is it that the victims of the mermaid spirit married to them in the past lives?
It is not like that. The truth is that every human being has a second personality. If your second personality is in water they are always in two. The one on the other side may start to torment the one on the physical plane. When you go to the Oracle, it will inform you what the spiritual one needs and that will resolve the issue.
Do you have the capability of resolving this for people because it appears a major concern for people in the society?
By the Grace of God I can handle and do handle that.
It is alleged that more often they block the ways of their victims and make them experience hardship and disappointments? How true?
That is very correct. The man or woman is transferring his or her wealth to the spiritual world. Some of them in their dream state will experience their beautiful houses and cars and big businesses but physically they have nothing. By doing some sacrifice they will transfer the spiritual wealth down to the physical world. There is not much difference between the physical and spiritual.
It is just like the dream. In the dream you may be there doing one activity or another and in the day you come back to continue, all of them are physical. For instance in the dream you may see yourself fighting and when you wake up you will be in another fight.
All these things you are talking about is from the traditional perspectives but you will discover that our people have shunned traditional practices. Why is it so?
That is why a Messiah has to come because we as human beings have deviated from the path of God. A Messiah will come and redirect.
Do we have a Messiah now in our midst or you mean the coming of Jesus?
Already one is in our midst. I use to tell people that Sat Guru Maharaj Ji has come telling people try me test me experience me before you believe but because they are still living in ignorance they refuse to listen the same way when Christ was on the planet.
They claim that they are waiting for Christ but unfortunately those who are waiting for him don’t know him. When they see Christ passing on the way they will not know him. How can somebody be waiting for who he does not know.
Do you draw inspiration from Guru Maharaj Ji and what is your experience like since you got to know him?
They are so many both spiritually and physically. Nobody preached to me about Guru Maharaj Ji. I saw him in the dream in the cloud and the next day somebody visited me and I explained my dream. The person told me that whom I saw is Sat Guru Maharaj Ji and I asked who he is. I told him that I want to see him.
How safe is it to adopt traditional practices and its medicine?
Tradition is the original religion, as old as creation. Tradition started from the day of creation. Abandoning it is the genesis of our problem. For instance,
if our government today start to use our oracle or our deities in swearing in people into authority there will be nothing like problem in this country again.
This is because if you misbehave our ancestors would strike you. And nobody would like to have that experience unlike when the Bible is used or Koran is used.
Are you implying that those holy books are not effective?
They say holy Bible, holy Koran, holy this and that. It is human beings that are supposed to be holy not books. Our fore fathers were holy. They forbade so many things but today it is not so.
So what is your advice to Nigerians?
I use to ask some people especially we Igbos because of the manner they use the name Jesus if he is an Igbo man. All that is told of him was what was written over two thousand years ago. We need not be far from the truth. It is only about 160 years ago that the story of Christ entered into Nigeria.
So what about the remaining thousand plus years ago? What were our people talking about? What were they doing then? There are some people who don’t believe in Christ in other countries. Our people who believe in Christ are not more civilized than those people who don’t believe in Christ.
What exactly do you mean?
Our Christian brothers believe that Muslims are not worshiping God or don’t know God but I can tell you that Muslims are closer to God than they who think so.
They practice and show love to one another. All the cases in our courts were originated by Christians. In the case of Muslims, they settle most of their cases in the Mosques and they will abide by the verdict because they love themselves.
It is because of religion that Christians hate Muslims and Muslims equally hate Christians. That is the cause of disagreement. If we forget about religion and become natural there will be peace and harmony everywhere.When you see them you will know. Those who are doing Pastor because of material gains if you get close to them you will know.
What do you mean by if you are not ordained you cannot be a native doctor, who ordains and how?
It is a spiritual thing from our ancestors.
How do you respond to this allegation that people are leaving traditional medicine practice and transforming to Pastor?
It is possible. May be we are at the end time when everybody will go back to the same place where we started. Our problem is the government. For instance, sometime ago, I went to Nasarawa State, they showed me one house where one man was producing AK 47 gun, what did the government do?
They bundled that man into prison instead of taking him to the workshop to improve his technology and only to buying our ammunitions from outsides whereas we have good brains in the country that can produce same.
They prefer to listen and patronize Oyibo man who doesn’t like black man. The people in government are lacking in spiritual knowledge and are being manipulated by some forces.
Are there ways the government can help the native doctors operate effectively?
Yes, there are.
In what ways?
You see there are so many sicknesses that orthodox medicine practitioners have no solutions to but which are very simple with traditional medicine like the breast cancer. There is an oil I will mix with some substances and rub on the affected portion it will destroy the particular germ causing the ailment.
What are you doing or have done to create awareness that that you can cure this ailment?
Somebody came to me one day through a referral and asked if I am Chief Udegbulam. I responded yes and he queried why don’t you have a signage. And I asked did you read a sign board before getting to me, he said no. How did you come I asked and he responded that somebody directed him and I replied that that person is my sign board.
You mentioned ‘Afa’ (divination) earlier can you throw more light on this?
Someone who has no Afa cannot prophesy and some of the prophecies in the church are fake, some are arranged business. The original prophecy is from within. For example in the church a lay man can see what is happening as healing unknown to him that it is a deal, but when you take another person with the same challenge you will go back with him untreated.
Is the use of Afa to inquire about the future as we were told of old still effective?
Yes, it is still effective. Like I said earlier what we can solve here with a native egg can take someone to India and other lands without solution. If you go to Afa it will reveal to you what you can use to solve a problem, if you follow the instructions the result will come.
When Christians do their healing they tell us it is done by the Holy spirit but when native doctors do theirs which spirit is behind it?
All spirits are holy. Don’t forget that it was stated in the Bible that all powers belong to God, both the negative and positive. The negative and positive power work together to produce results. For instance, in electricity, it is
the negative and positive current that produces current. Only negative can never give you anything neither can positive. So when we talk about good or bad it is just the manifestation of the spirit.
When something good happens to us we credit it to God, when it is bad we call devil but all the powers come from the same source, it all depends on the use to which you put it. If you apply it positively you reap good deeds and you if used negatively you get bad result. The good thing there is that the consequences of each return to the originator.
Do you mean or imply that those who do harmful juju will pay for it even if they are not the ones applying it?
The reactions will go to them.
Can you explain this over flogged issue of spiritual husband and wife which churches claim they exorcise?
Yes it exists. It is real.
It exists in what sense, that everybody has spiritual husband or wife as insinuated by some?
It is not everybody. It depends in the region from where you come from. You have the four elements in creation, the mother Earth, the Sun, the Air, and the Water.
It is those who come from the Water circle that are being manipulated by the Spiritual husbands or wives. This is because the angel or Spirit in charge of this water element is in charge of finance and wealth in the universe.
All the good and bad we complain about stem from material things-the craving for wealth. Outside this, you cannot experience evil. That Angel controlling water is the goddess of fortune, every good thing in this planet comes from her, including good house, luxurious cars, money etc.
Why do they need to torment people and possessing them to the extent of creating problem for them?
The problem is that the spiritual world controls the physical world. When you meet somebody who can do the right thing, he will separate them.
Is it that the victims of the mermaid spirit married to them in the past lives?
It is not like that. The truth is that every human being has a second personality. If your second personality is in water they are always in two. The one on the other side may start to torment the one on the physical plane. When you go to the Oracle, it will inform you what the spiritual one needs and that will resolve the issue.
Do you have the capability of resolving this for people because it appears a major concern for people in the society?
By the Grace of God I can handle and do handle that.
It is alleged that more often they block the ways of their victims and make them experience hardship and disappointments? How true?
That is very correct. The man or woman is transferring his or her wealth to the spiritual world. Some of them in their dream state will experience their beautiful houses and cars and big businesses but physically they have nothing. By doing some sacrifice they will transfer the spiritual wealth down to the physical world. There is not much difference between the physical and spiritual.
It is just like the dream. In the dream you may be there doing one activity or another and in the day you come back to continue, all of them are physical. For instance in the dream you may see yourself fighting and when you wake up you will be in another fight.
All these things you are talking about is from the traditional perspectives but you will discover that our people have shunned traditional practices. Why is it so?
That is why a Messiah has to come because we as human beings have deviated from the path of God. A Messiah will come and redirect.
Do we have a Messiah now in our midst or you mean the coming of Jesus?
Already one is in our midst. I use to tell people that Sat Guru Maharaj Ji has come telling people try me test me experience me before you believe but because they are still living in ignorance they refuse to listen the same way when Christ was on the planet.
They claim that they are waiting for Christ but unfortunately those who are waiting for him don’t know him. When they see Christ passing on the way they will not know him. How can somebody be waiting for who he does not know.
Do you draw inspiration from Guru Maharaj Ji and what is your experience like since you got to know him?
They are so many both spiritually and physically.
Nobody preached to me about Guru Maharaj Ji. I saw him in the dream in the cloud and the next day somebody visited me and I explained my dream. The person told me that whom I saw is Sat Guru Maharaj Ji and I asked who he is. I told him that I want to see him.
How safe is it to adopt traditional practices and its medicine?
Tradition is the original religion, as old as creation. Tradition started from the day of creation. Abandoning it is the genesis of our problem.
For instance, if our government today start to use our oracle or our deities in swearing in people into authority there will be nothing like problem in this country again. This is because if you misbehave our ancestors would strike you. And nobody would like to have that experience unlike when the Bible is used or Koran is used.
Are you implying that those holy books are not effective?
They say holy Bible, holy Koran, holy this and that. It is human beings that are supposed to be holy not books. Our fore fathers were holy. They forbade so many things but today it is not so.
So what is your advice to Nigerians?
I use to ask some people especially we Igbos because of the manner they use the name Jesus if he is an Igbo man. All that is told of him was what was written over two thousand years ago. We need not be far from the truth. It is only about 160 years ago that the story of Christ entered into Nigeria.
So what about the remaining thousand plus years ago? What were our people talking about? What were they doing then? There are some people who don’t believe in Christ in other countries. Our people who believe in Christ are not more civilized than those people who don’t believe in Christ.
What exactly do you mean?
Our Christian brothers believe that Muslims are not worshiping God or don’t know God but I can tell you that Muslims are closer to God than they who think so. They practice and show love to one another. All the cases in our courts were originated by Christians.
In the case of Muslims, they settle most of their cases in the Mosques and they will abide by the verdict because they love themselves. It is because of religion that Christians hate Muslims and Muslims equally hate Christians. That is the cause of disagreement. If we forget about religion and become natural there will be peace and harmony everywhere.