Despite the losses in the year, it is relieving to know that there are still reasons for celebration in the Nollywood industry. Many celebrities have in the recent weeks taken to their social media pages to celebrate one thing or the other. On Thursday, September 24, veteran actor Segun Arinze joined the list as he took to his official Instagram page to celebrate the gift of life. The film star clocked 55 and he shared the good news with his fans and followers online. According to him, only God made it possible for him to be a witness to his big day. Actor Segun Arinze celebrates his 55th birthday. Source: @the.segunarinze Source: Instagram Expressing gratitude to God for how far he has brought him, the actor congratulated himself on his new age. As expected, Arinze shared a lovely photo to mark his birthday. He was donned in a lovely grey-coloured agbada with a cap to match. Seated on a cream-coloured sofa, the actor smiled at the camera as he posed for a photo.