By Sunday Saheed
Even though I’m a teenager, I’ve had some ugly frigid sores from the despondency I’ve been made to dwell into by our country. But right now, with the voice given to the youths, I sense a glint of hope in me; while despair reels over.
To start with, the conformity and congruence Nigeria started with right from the pre-independence era are starting to get bleak. Before, we were only a circle. But did that consistency last for long? No, and that was when we tolerated a point to infringe on our doctrine. Since the introduction of the “point”, we started having diverse partitions like the radius, diameter, chord, etc.
This illustration is only an analogy to our existence. Ever since we let discrimination enter, we have started seeing ourselves as different nations, whereas we aren’t. That our history, language, culture, and tradition are different doesn’t mean we are different, it only means we should sharpen our tolerance in the preparation for a better Nigeria. It seems we never looked at it in this perspective, but let’s do that now. Nigeria shouldn’t be a country with different nations; it should be a nation with different countries! That lost unity should be redeemed; it should be one of the phenomena of the coming future. The demarcating lines between us should be shrivelled with the essence of love.
I’ve frequently witnessed these; both in reality and movies. I’ve discerned ladies with “dexterity” sent home because of the recruitment of ladies with “beauty”. Women with an alarming high “brains” are being sent into the labour market for women with alarming compelling “shapes”. No! That shouldn’t be. We are starting to dig the grave of the future of the coming generation at the expense of our own luxurious lives. For that bright future of Nigeria that’s coming, we need preparation for the stabilisation of the recruitment of people with egregious Intellectual Quotient and we need it now!
Furthermore, it seems the real meaning of sacrifice is long gone, and we only grasp the meaning of its negativity. I once watched a movie, “An Accidental Spy”. There was a man named Manny who went abroad for a holiday and engaged in a game which although almost cost his life but later gained him recognition. He indulged in a game, and somehow he was mixed up with a hardened criminal. Towards the end, his true identity was revealed, and he left himself to the government to be used as a bait to catch the criminal whom he and his cahoots had been after Manny’s life. That decision almost cost his life, but he made it anyways. Then, back to reality, who wants to sacrifice their life to save millions? Many people will rather see millions of people die than be the one dead. That’s not selflessness, its selfishness. We crave people who will lay down their own lives at the expense of millions of people, and die a hero; not a villain. The Nigeria we want to live in should be infected with these positive changes.
I’ve once drooped in my room, surmising why a myriad of people are starting to decide to be “Marlians” instead of being graduates. Well, the verdict lies with them, but an enormous and huge percentage of the faults lie with us. There are many graduates out there with First Class, but without a job. Unemployment is a vital reason behind social depravities, vices, and unrest. How will the coming generation see the quality in education, when the only thing their certificates will earn them is total zilch? We’ve to highlight the benefits and essence of education with the provision of jobs to graduates.
For the sake of the future that is here, the Nigeria of our dream shouldn’t remain a fantasy, but a dream in actuality. Unemployment should be melted with a hot iron rod of concerns.
While we’re being referred to as a giant, whereas in the real sense, we strive to fit in with the ants. While others are getting developed, the leverages of corruption keep us as a developing country; or underdeveloped, instead. We have to cast those brisk hands of corruption off us and tolerate those of sincerity.
It’s high time we lived up to that title, GIANT. It’s high time we fetched the glistening future here. It’s high time we enunciated and conversed with one voice, aim with one arrow, act on one goal, live with one motive, because the future is here and NOW!