Last weekend, Emene in Enugu witnessed an increase in the number of Independent People of Biafra (IPOB) and Police clash which reportedly left unspecified number of people dead. It was however disclosed that the Directorate of State Security Services (DSS) lost two of its operatives. This has added to the numerous orgies of killings that dot the landscape of Nigeria resulting from various conflicts or attacks.
Reports state that the police had swooped on the IPOB boys where they were holding meetings and confronted them in the process. In the ensuing conflict the other arms of security operatives including the military were deployed to the place leading to increased fracas that resulted to some deaths that were evacuated by the security people.
The constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria clearly states the sanctity of human lives and the right of people to live. There is also the freedom of association among other rights. Human life is sacred and must be respected but in our times at present it appears there is no value accorded to human life any more.
It is no longer news that the freedom fighters as they call themselves and the police have in the past had series of clash culminating in the innocent killing of people and incarceration of others what is news is the unholy silence of the South East governors on whose enclave most of the clashes have taken place.
News Echo notes with concern that virtually every region in this country is suffering from bloodletting as at pre sent. The most painful aspect is that we have all become so immune to the effects of these killings that it has numbed our feelings as we no longer bathe an eyelid. Precious lives as in the Enugu killings are witnessed almost on daily basis.
The Enugu killing has attracted wild spread reaction locally and internationally in condemnation of the actions of the security operatives which many has de scribed as senseless and barbaric. It is viewed as callous the attack of unarmed freedom fighters. While the incident has received attacks from many lgbo groups there is yet to be heard a word from any of the South East governors.
It was the same unholy silence when the boys were also murdered in Afara Ukwu Umuahia. The obvious question and suspicion playing in the minds of many lgbo people is if the governors are not mocking and celebrating the killing. It leaves the mind guessing whose interest the governors are protecting if they cannot speak up against such dastard killings that evokes very strong emotions.
News Echo rejects in its entirety the attitude of the South East governors on issues affecting their subjects. They leave the impression that they are surrogates to a certain authorities which they dread for sanctions should they voice their feelings. Security concerns are in the front burner in public discourse everywhere as at moment. Regional efforts are in top gear by the various groups to secure their areas. The South-West in spite of efforts to resist its plans has gone ahead to institute its regional security outfit called Amotekun.
It is shocking to state that the South East governors are yet to concretize any arrangement in this direction leaving the citizens as orphans and vulnerable to attack by external aggression. It is mind boggling that even when there is no report of any breach of peace by the IPOB boys they could be greeted with such amount of force.
It is actions of this nature that ha s continually precipitated the agitations for the balkanization of the country which the federal government had fruitlessly battled to stop. News Echo calls on the Federal Government to review the operations of its security agents especially in handling dissenting voices against its actions and policies. There have been so much unwarranted deaths resulting to loss of valuable manpower.
The Federal government should institute a probe of the Enugu killings with a view to bringing the culprits to book. We have had enough bloodshed in this country and this culture of killing must stop for peace to reign. Violence is an ill wind that pays none any good.