It is very clear that schools are established for a definite purpose and that is to create learning opportunities for young ones. This I guess is the same reason why schools were built although I did not forget that the wise one Socrates or is it Plato now once said that “bricks and mortar do not make a school” If there is anything that matter to mankind now especially for those of us not so privileged on this side of the divide, it is education. There is much emphasize by many including government on the need to promote education.
What is not clear is the seriousness of government to walk their talk. They are so long in the talk but short in the action. This is the reason we are concerned about how our public schools are managed. In our society either as a group or individual we lack a maintenance culture or the government is the worst in this area. Public venture including roads, schools, utilities etc are seen as no man’s business and not cared for.
Today, many of our public schools irrespective of their status have been commercialized for purposes outside education. At weekends these schools are utilized for church activities, meeting by town unions, football practice pitches, end of year parties, crusades, weddings etc. Uses of this nature bring deterioration to the physical structures which are not maintained in any way.
Besides, monies are collected for the use of these spaces by the school authorities. Where do these payments end up, private purse or government treasury? How is it accounted for we are asking? Take a trip to the ultra-modern City Primary School, directly behind the old Fire Service Station or the Ikenegbu Secondary School at weekends and see things for yourself. It is like that in many other places.
Our findings reveal that those who collect payments for use of these premises do not issue receipts nor account for it. It is not certain that the education authorities who play supervisory roles authorized this practice. The purpose of building these structures should be respected.